"O amor é um ato de fé e quem tiver pouca fé também terá pouco amor."
Erich Fromm
Como participar?
É bem simples: para participar você deve ter uma conta no Twitter e seguir o perfil @vcafemania. Daí, basta fazer uma captura de tela do seu Café e publicá-la no Twitter, usando a hashtag #cafedomesCM.
Até quando posso participar?
O concurso começa no dia 16 de novembro e vai até 30 de novembro! Os Cafés vencedores serão divulgados até 14 de dezembro aqui no Blog,e claro no Blog do próprio CAFÈMANIA (Twitter e no Fórum também).
Para ler o regulamento completo acesse: http://blog.vostu.com/cafemania/?page_id=414
Boa tarde pessoal,hoje eu vou postar uma musica mais que linda,que fala um pouco sobre o que eu estou vivendo neste momento.Espero que voces gostem,e se não gostar não tem problema nenhum. hahaha xD
Love Is Here - Sonohra
Its is a rainy day and I gave all my sunshine
Everything is gray but I see you in my mind
I can light a light and I know I will so be okay
I put another picture of you next to my bed
I listen to the wind blow It's loud inside in my head
I don't want to think of the distance that keeps us apart
You are always here, love keeps you near
7 days on the road you are always my soul destination
Every step on the way it's been taken my love back to you
Yeah yeah
And the time goes by... It becomes so clear
You are not alone, love is in here
I listen to the sound of a song about sorrow,
I know I'm gonna make it to see you tomorrow
You are the only reason I wake up to face everyday
You are always here, love keeps you near
7 days on the road you are always my soul destination
Every step on the way it seems to be be taken my love back to you
Yeah yeah
You are always here, love keeps you near
7 days on the road you are always my soul destination
Every step on the way it seems to be be taken my love back to you
Yeah yeah
And the time goes by... It becomes so clear
You are not alone, love is in here
Yeah yeah
Love is in here
Clouds are fading, they flew a away
The sun is shining and the sky is turning blue
7 days on the road you are always my soul destination
Every step on the way it seems to be be taken my love back to you
Yeah yeah
And the time goes by... It becomes so clear
You are not alone, love is in here
Tradução: http://letras.terra.com.br/sonohra/1521241/
Video da musica:
O blog que faz a diferença!
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